Happy Birthday

Today is my husband’s birthday, and I am reminded every year how much more I love him than I did the year before.  I am a blessed woman! 

One year, I made the mistake of throwing him a surprise birthday party, because that’s what *I* would have wanted.  For my shy husband, it was a torture worse than thumbscrews or the rack.  I learned my lesson.  Today we’ll be taking our “Buy one Entree, get one entree” coupon to Smoky Bones and having a family celebration.  Then we’ll pick up some Tiramisu from Publix and share it after the mackerdoodle has her bath and falls asleep.  There will be no singing servers, or banners, or balloons.  In short, it will be exactly the type of celebration my Jonathan loves.

So if you like my husband, and you see him today, you can shake his hand and say “Happy Birthday”, or you could pat him on the back and say “heard you’re a day older.”  That’s all he really wants.  Trust me.  I learned the hard way.