Wednesday Morning Weigh-In: The Thursday Morning Addition (Wk 7)

I didn’t remember it was Wednesday yesterday until I saw that my wordless Wednesday had auto posted.  So I weighed myself this morning.  I’m down 2 pounds which is my first loss in three weeks, so the little exercising I’m doing is helping.  Having Jonathan at work, and the house in a sort of routine is also helping.

My exercise routine is a simple version of the clean and press barbell lift.  Of course, if you click on that link, you’ll find some ripped man lifting a barbell with big weights on each end.  I look nothing like that.  I lift an empty 15 pound bar for 2 reps of 5 lifts and then I hold 2 three pound dumb bells (one in each hand – six pounds total) for another two reps of five lifts.  Or at least that’s my plan.  It tends to get interrupted by  a toddler holding herself, dancing and saying “I tee-tee.  I tee-tee.” in a panicked voice, or a hungry baby, or a tired baby being woken up by a toddler saying “Baby? WAKEUP!” or any combination thereof.  Regardless, an incomplete exercise routine is better than no exercise routine, so I keep at it.

So, what about y’all?  What’s working?  What isn’t?

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Morning Weigh-In: The Thursday Morning Addition (Wk 7)

  1. I remain unchanged…and generally unphased (is that a word?). Next week i start work and I have exercise planned in there when I have some time with someone else watching the little ones. It bothered me for a while that I was considering that but if I don’t take care of myself they won’t have me AT ALL sooner than I want to think about. So in my down time while they are at the Children’s Center I am going to exercise and eventually take piano lessons 🙂

  2. remember the two pounds I lost??? i gained them back….BUT I have been excercising at least 5 times a week running/walking 4-6km a shot for the last two weeks….my experience with it is that I will gain and then suddenly drop….it probably would help if I didn’t keep eating…all day, everyday and it having nothing to do with hunger….how many weeks do we have left??? i think we are half way and I have been completely unsuccessfull..

  3. I’ll weigh in on Friday morning. I’ve been losing SMALL amounts each week (.2, .3. 5. 7. 2. 5, etc…..). Every little bit helps.

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